Applications are now open for the 2017 Science Fiction Foundation Masterclass in Science Fiction Criticism. The 2017 Masterclass, the Eleventh, will take place from Friday 30 June to Sunday 2 July. We are delighted to have once again secured at the Royal Observatory Greenwich as a venue.
The 2017 Class Leaders are:
Nick Hubble (Brunel University)
John J. Johnston (Egypt Exploration Society)
Stephanie Saulter (author of Gemsigns and sequels)
Price: £225; £175 for registered postgraduate students.
To apply please send a short (no more than 3,000 words) piece of critical writing (a blog entry, review, essay, or other piece), and a one page curriculum vitae, to .
Applications received by 24 April 2017 will be considered by an Applications Committee. Applications received after 24 April may be considered if places are still available, on a strictly first-come first served basis.
Past Masterclass students are encouraged to apply again (though we will prioritise applications from those who have not been previous students).
Information on past Masterclasses can be found at . Please direct any enquiries to .
Tony Keen, SFF Masterclass Administrator